Composition in Two Genres

Clouded Thoughts by Me

Can there ever be peace in a land of war?

Today, you might have woken up to the sun gently flooding your bedroom in its light. Woken up to hear the birds chirping and the laugh of your neighbors as they greet the day with happiness and cheer. Count yourself fortunate enough to have that, something that probably goes unnoticed by many people daily. Yet the day does not pass that millions of families are awoken to the nightmare terrorizing their lives and the impotence that they feel when they can’t leave. The fear that constantly terrorizes them comes from living in hell and not being able to escape. This is the reality of many people as they awaken in countries like Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil, locked into the never-ceasing drug war that’s taken more from them than anyone could have ever imagined. Peace is not something they have known for a very long time, but is it impossible for them to obtain it in the future?

I decided to author this project in a personal search for the answer to this question. I am no cartel member nor drug trafficker, but I am an undocumented resident that’s escaped the poverty and corrupt third world countries that house that war. My credibility stems from the direct involvement in the search for answers as to why the drug war reigns over so many third world countries. It also stems from my direct contact with people that have lived in that life and have barely made it out of it with nothing less than the scars in their minds, the wounds on their bodies, and the stories in their hearts. With this advertisement, I reach out to everyone, its a cry for help from one human being to another. This goes far beyond the color of our skin or the dialect that we chose to represent ourselves with, this is the cry of the land for the blood to stop staining it.

For this I used advertisement and images. My persuasive and informative language draws on the heart strings of people and rather than promote a new product or charity, I call upon them to ponder that exact same question. Maybe it doesn’t hit home to someone who has never encountered drugs or violence in their life and as long as it is not occurring in their life, they would be happy to not give it a second thought. Yet, I know that when someone else goes to roll a spliff and crushes his flower into a piece of paper, the question will arise and pick at the back of their mind before they scoff, cough and fly off again, is this really ruining as many lives as he says. Yes. It is, but go ahead and take another pull maybe you’ll find the same answer I did.

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